Fine jewelry is an important investment so it’s usually not an item that we purchase spontaneously; we put thought and care into choosing the piece we want, how we want it, and when we want to make our purchase. Part of that process means finding the right jewelry store. And like any significant purchase, where you buy is important. Jewelry stores offer different options, sales, services, and levels of expertise.
Today, there are premium online jewelry stores too, so it’s not just about finding the best ‘jewelry stores near me’. It’s what the store offers its clients that’s important. With that in mind, today’s post provides some helpful tips about what to look for in a jewelry store.
Finding the Best Jewelry Store for You
First, there are the basics that you need to discover; important, but intuitive information you should find out about a jewelry business, whether it’s a brick-and-mortar or online store. Things like reputation and reviews. Does the store have a positive reputation? Has someone recommended it to you? What are the reviews about the store saying? How long has it been in business? Getting the answers to these questions can give you an idea of a store’s reliability, work quality, and service. Obviously, you want a store with consistently good marks. Consistent positive reviews are better than erratic reviews that range from excellent to awful.
The Jewelers
Another important, but basic measure… the jeweler or jewelers on staff. Are they professional? Do they seem knowledgeable? Are they experienced? Can they talk to you about different types of jewelry settings or gemstones and their properties and shapes? Are they personable? Do they take the time to answer your questions and listen to your concerns? Find a jewelry store that not only has styles and options that resonate with your tastes but a staff that you enjoy talking to as well.
What kind of warranties does the jewelry store offer? Does it offer a 3-month, 6-month, or 1-year warranty for structural defects? What is the policy on manufacturing defects? What kind of post-sales service does it offer? If your ring needs to be re-sized in the first year after purchase, will they do that for you?
Customer support
What is the store’s customer support like? Similar to the staff, you want good customer support that is attentive to your needs. What amount of personalized attention does each customer receive? Are your questions answered clearly without a lot of upselling? What you are looking for here is a jewelry store that works with you as a partner, not as just another sale. Staff and customer support are especially important if you’re looking for a jeweler that can create custom pieces, which brings us to our next criteria.